On the Feet – Writing No. 2603
Praying for me to walk on my feet
Monday 27 November 2023
Nazir Anbalvi
Uncle John loved his nephew Omar very much۔He used to hand over the keys of his library to Omar۔One day he had gone out of the city۔Umar was coming down from the library with a book۔The rain had stopped, but there was slippage on the stairs, due to which his foot slipped۔He could not maintain his balance۔Umar screamed while falling down the stairs۔
Mother John and you came running۔
”hey my leg, not going away from me, hey my leg.“Omar’s hand was on his right leg۔
As soon as you called, the rescuers came۔The doctor saw the x-ray and said that the leg has been broken from two places, now there is no way except operation۔After some time, father also came۔
When Uncle John got the information, he also left everything and came by plane۔
When he came to know that the operation would have to be done, Uncle John said:”, if this is the doctor’s advice, don’t delay, I will come in three to four hours.“
When Uncle John reached the hospital, Umar was brought out of the operation theater۔He said: ” All this happened because of me.“
Hearing Uncle John’s words, Umar’s Abu Jan said: ” Why do you think like this, what has to happen, remains۔
If Allah wills, Umar will recover soon, he will run like before, he will run away.“
Two days later, Umar came home from the hospital۔Uncle John used to tell him stories to entertain him, asking him again and again what is the heart of eating؟
”Uncle John!Answer one question.“Umar put his hand on his leg and said۔
”yes yes, definitely ask what do you want to ask?“
”Uncle John!Will I be able to walk, play football or cricket as before?“
”Yes, of course, why not, you will run, run, jump like before, you should hope well from Allah Ta’ala۔
Umar closed his eyes and got lost in a thought۔He remembered the day when he was returning home after playing cricket with his friend Ahmed۔While going on the road leading from the ground to the market, his eyes fell on a boy۔He was walking slowly with the crutch pressed in his armpit۔Ahmed looked at Umar۔The mischievous plan had been decided in the eyes۔
Ahmed and Umar walked towards the boy with the support of Baisakhi۔The next moment the boy’s crutch was in Omar’s hands and Ahmed was circling around the boy۔The boy’s name was Irfan۔
”Fear God, return my crutch, I will fall, give me my crutch.“Irfan pleaded۔
”Come on, why did you stop, you can walk, let’s go.“Umar waved his crutch and said۔
”I will fall, I will not be able to walk without a crutch, for God’s sake return my crutch.“
Irfan’s words were not having any effect on Umar and Ahmed۔He was enjoying teasing Irfan۔Irfan staggered and fell into the mud۔If a man did not come to Irfan’s help, he intended to annoy him more۔When that man ran to catch them, Umar Baisakhi fell on the road and ran away with Ahmed۔
”I didn’t do well.“Uncle was shocked to hear Omar’s murmuring, Umar became asleep۔
When he felt nervous lying in the room, Uncle John would take him out in a wheelchair۔Everything outside was the same as before۔Nothing changed۔His friends were also going to the ground to play cricket as usual۔He was imprisoned at home۔
One evening Umar’s friends came to meet him and Umar asked him about Irfan۔Ahmed lied: ” He keeps walking there with a crutch, by the way he enjoyed teasing her that day.“
”When I go out with a crutch, will you bother me too?“Everyone was silent on Omar’s question۔
”say, answer me, I am also lame now, I don’t know when I will be able to walk on my feet۔
“Omar’s words had torn his friend’s heart۔Ahmed looked at Ahsan and Mohsin۔Saad’s head was also bowed۔Everyone was ashamed۔Uncle John was standing in the doorway listening and knowing۔Now he had understood Omar’s problem۔When Umar’s friends started going back, they stopped Ahmed۔
”Irfan!Does it come to watch the game daily?“Uncle John asked۔
”Yes Uncle John!He is seen near the ground every day۔A crutch is in his armpit.“Ahmed said۔
The next day, all Omar’s friends were sitting around him۔When Uncle John came to the room, everyone stood in his respect۔
”Omar someone has come to meet you.“
”Who is he?“ Omar asked۔
”See for yourself.“After saying this, Uncle John went out of the room۔
After a few moments, when he came back, Irfan entered the room slowly walking with him with the help of crutch۔Seeing him, everyone bowed their heads in shame۔Umar cried and apologized for his behavior۔Irfan addressed everyone:” I forgive you all, pray for me, I will find what I am looking for.“
”Who is he?“Ahsan asked۔
”The one I repeatedly teased as lame۔Now Baisakhi has become my support۔Its name is expression۔I remember him every moment, I used to run away calling him lame, one day I was running away calling him lame, he collided with a car, my life was saved, but one leg bone was broken in such a way that despite the treatment I could not walk on my leg۔I have been looking for expression for a long time, if I find him, I will apologize to him for my behavior, maybe this way my heart will be declared۔
“Irfan was overwhelmed saying this۔
Suddenly uncle’s voice echoed in the room:” your search is over, Azhar is the son of my friend Ehsan, I can bring him here.“
”Can this happen?“Irfan said while asking for tears۔
”tomorrow we will be together here again.“Uncle John said۔
The next day, when Izhar and Irfan met face to face, both of them pressed crutches in their armpits and moved forward۔
Everyone there was very happy to see him hugging۔Irfan, if he wanted to recite the words of forgiveness with his tongue, Izhar immediately said:” I have forgotten everything, you should also forget everything۔Don’t hurt anyone, otherwise she will come back to you.“
Irfan’s worries were gone by the words of expression۔When both started leaving, Umar said:” Praying for me that I can walk on my feet.“
Izhar and Irfan said in unison: ”, God willing, you will be able to walk on your feet very soon.“