Khaki Envelope – Writing No. 2615
”I don’t have one lakh rupees, Taseef Sahib, I have these rupees.“Deputy messenger Farhan said this and took out a khaki envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table۔
Saturday 30 December 2023
Nazir Anbalvi
Imtiaz looked a bit worried۔He was sitting in front of the computer, but his fingers were not moving on the keyboard۔He was lost in a deep thought۔Nauman had come to know that Imtiaz was worried for some reason۔The two had been working together for years in an office۔Nauman got up from his chair۔Imtiaz looked at Numan, but did not say anything with his tongue۔
”Imtiaz brother!What’s wrong?“Nauman put his hand on his shoulder۔
”The problem is not only for me, it is for all of us, Taseef Sahib is being transferred to our office.“After hearing Imtiaz, Nauman repeated:” Tauseef sir!․․․․․Everyone went from work.“
Imtiaz said: “” now we will have to live only in salary۔
Wherever Taseef Sahib is working now, everyone from the deputy messenger to the top is unhappy and worried۔Taseef Sahib neither takes bribes himself nor allows anyone else to do so۔I am worried thinking about how the house will go now, the salary ends in a few days.“
Even before Taseef Sahib came, all the people of the office started talking about him۔
The bribe takers were worried and the halal livelihood earners were very happy۔
When Taseef Sahib came to the office on the first day, he had a brief meeting with the workers and emphasized that everyone will work with honesty and sincerity۔Every work will be based on qualification۔Bribes will not be taken to work۔Taseef Sahib also strictly followed what he said۔
He was now very happy when he used to worry at every step where his files were pressed in his armpit۔Everything he did was doing easily۔Yes, those people were worried, who used to do their illegal work by paying bribes earlier, but now it was not possible۔
When Shiraz, the manager of a big company, put the file in front of Imtiaz, he thought that it would be signed as easily as before۔
Imtiaz looked at the pages of the file upside down and looked carefully at Shiraz and said:”file is incomplete, the road has been built, but it does not report to the inspection team, complete the file.“
Without saying anything, Shiraz took out a khaki-colored envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of Imtiaz۔Imtiaz was well aware of the khaki colored envelope۔He had received the khaki envelope from Shiraz before Taseef Sahib came, but now he could not receive the khaki envelope۔
”Take it back immediately Shiraz sir!Now the conditions of the office are not the same as before.“Imtiaz looked around and explained the secret to Shiraz in a wise manner۔
”Office conditions, I understand everything, now the price will have to increase, now I will talk directly to Taseef Sahib.“Shiraz took the file with distinction while smiling۔
After some time he was sitting in front of Taseef Sahib۔
After a detailed review of the file, he said:” Imtiaz is right, the file is not complete, complete the file, then visit, I will sign when the file is complete.“
”Please sign now.“Shiraz emphasized the word kindness and said۔
”I can’t sign an incomplete file, don’t waste time, I have a lot more work to do۔
”If something is done by giving it……”Hearing Taseef Sahib’s words, Shiraz said in subdued words۔
”It would be appropriate if you visit here now.“Seeing the anger on Taseef Sahib’s face, Shiraz understood that his work would not be done۔He picked up the file and went out of the room, and Taseef Sahib took out a green-skinned diary from the desk drawer۔
He read each page of it carefully۔The same sentence was written in thick words on each page۔He turned the diary pages and reached the page of the appointed day۔He also wrote the same sentence on this page which he had been writing since the beginning۔He wrote that sentence with green light and came with sparkle in his eyes۔
One day, Taseef Sahib was busy with his work as usual when the officials of the Anti-Corruption Department entered his room with permission۔
Shiraz was also with the officials۔When an officer named Akhtar introduced himself to the officials, Taseef asked: “Recipe, what can I do for you?”
”we apologize۔We have received an order to search your office.“Akhtar replied staring at Taseef Sahib۔
”My office search, but why?“There was a glimpse of worry in Taseef Sahib’s tone۔
”Shiraz sir is with me۔He said that you have taken a bribe of one lakh rupees from him to pass a bill.“A smile appeared on Shiraz’s face from Akhtar Sahib’s words۔Taseef Sahib’s deputy messenger Farhan was also present there۔Shiraz was looking at him again and again in a meaningful way۔
”This person is lying, I didn’t do anything like that۔You can search my office with great enthusiasm۔
“It was too late for Taseef Sahib to say that an official Shehbaz moved forward, the next moment he opened the drawer of the table and started looking for money۔Nothing was found from there۔
”I did not take money from Shiraz, its file was not complete, so I did not sign۔This person is totally blaming me, it’s a liar.“Taseef said۔
”If you cooperate with us, it will be easy for you sir!Take out one lakh rupees yourself۔
“Akhtar Sahib came humbled and said۔
”I don’t have one lakh rupees, Taseef Sahib, I have these rupees.“Deputy messenger Farhan said this and took out a khaki envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table۔
”Wow, very good, you have also joined Naib Qasid with you, your game is over.“
”No, the game is not over۔These rupees were given to me by Shiraz, which I had to keep in Taseef Sahib’s desk drawer before coming to his office۔
I was given ten thousand rupees separately for this work۔I was seduced by Satan, but could not do so.“Farhan explained in detail۔
When Shiraz saw that the game had turned, he tried to leave there pretending۔When he started to go out, Farhan held his arm tightly۔
”Why didn’t you keep this khaki envelope in Taseef Sahib’s desk drawer?“Akhtar asked۔
”I came to keep this empty envelope in the drawer of the table, when I opened the drawer, I kept a green diary in it۔I picked up the diary and started keeping the khaki envelope, then the diary fell on the ground۔When I read a sentence written on the open diary, I was shaken۔I kept the diary on the table and kept turning its pages۔A single sentence was written on each page:” O dear country!I will neither harm you nor harm anyone else۔
“I kept turning the pages of the diary and reading this sentence۔After reading this sentence, I fell into my own eyes۔My conscience did not allow me to create problems for an angelic person like Taseef Sahib۔I had gone astray, but the sentence written by Taseef Sahib has brought me to the straight path.“Farhan’s tears started flowing while saying this۔
Akhtar saw Shiraz۔
He was standing with his head bowed۔The milk had become water۔Shahaz had captured Shiraz۔Farhan was pardoned for his cooperation with the department۔While Taseef Sahib was happy that a sentence written by him made Farhan a patriot with an enemy of the country, he also got the happiness that there was no stain on his patriotism۔